Worst Foods to Eat for Arthritis and Joint Pain

Joint pain

Have your arthritis and joint pain symptoms crept back into your daily routine? Maybe a food is triggering the response. You can reduce the inflammation without medication. Eliminate these inflaming culprits below.

#1 - Sugar. Sugar is the worst food for causing inflammation and worsening arthritis.

#2 - Alcohol. Moderate drinking is fine (1 drink per day for women and 2 drinks per day for men is moderate) Excessive drinking can lead to a leaky gut which contributes to inflammation. 

# 3 - Blackened and barbequed foods. Produces AGE’s. Healthy enzymes are cooked out of the food. Raw foods still have all their enzymes.

# 4 - Saturated Fats. Soybean oil, corn oil, vegetable oil, fried foods, and fast foods. These foods are high in Omega-6 fatty acids, which may trigger inflammation. Even dairy is high in saturated fats.

# 5 - Dairy products. They contain a protein called casein which irritates the tissue around the joints for some people. If you’re concerned about your body’s reaction to dairy, eliminate it for a few weeks and then reintroduce it to see how you respond.

# 6 - Gluten and High Carb foods: Gluten is highly inflammatory. Bagels, breads, pastas, and white rice.

# 7 - Salt and preservatives. Many foods contain excessive salt and other preservatives to promote longer shelf lives. Frozen dinners are often high in sodium. Excess consumption of salt may result in inflammation of your joints. Reducing your salt intake to as modest an amount as is reasonable may help. Use Mrs. Dash as a salt-free alternative to add flavor to your foods.

Is there an Arthritis Diet?

While there is no miracle diet for arthritis, fortunately, many foods can help fight inflammation and improve joint symptoms. For starters, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts, and beans but low processed foods and saturated fat, is not only great for overall health, but can also help manage disease activity. If this advice sounds familiar, it’s because these are the principles of the Mediterranean diet, which is frequently touted for its anti-aging and disease-fighting powers.

Mediterranean Diet Benefits 

Studies confirm that eating foods commonly part of the Mediterranean diet can do the following:

  • Lower blood pressure
  • Protect against chronic conditions, ranging from cancer to stroke
  • Help arthritis by curbing inflammation
  • Benefit your joints as well as your heart
  • Lead to weight loss, which can lessen joint pain  

Below are key foods to fight arthritis inflammation: 

  • Fish (grilled, baked, poached, or broiled.)
  • Nuts & Seeds (unsalted) – especially walnuts
  • Vegetables (raw, steamed, baked, grilled, or broiled) – especially broccoli and spinach
  • Fruits - especially berries and grapes
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO, because it has less processing.) Olive oil is best for low heat cooking or as a dressing base. Avocado oil has a high-heat index point so is great for cooking.
  • Beans
  • Garlic - Adding garlic to your diet could benefit both arthritis symptoms and overall health.
  • Ginger -  Consuming ginger in fresh, powdered or dried form may reduce inflammation and aid in reducing symptoms of arthritis.